
Welcome to the Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Measurement and Education (AIME) with the National Council of Measurement in Education. Our goal is to serve as an intellectual home for data scientists and psychometricians interested in the application of AI to measurement and education.

Our charter can be found here.

Our NCME webpage can be found here.

Interested in joining us? The signup form can be found here. We currently hold monthly meetings and are organizing a speaker series.

For any additional information regarding this SIGIMIE, please contact a member of the leadership team.

White paper on the use of AI in Educational Measurement

This AIME initiative is a collaboration between authors from Academia, Government, and Industry.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Educational Measurement: Opportunities and Ethical Challenges

The white paper can be downloaded from the arxiv:


A special thanks to Okan Bulut for his organization and all the authors for putting this together.

Leadership Team

Co-chair: Christopher Ormerod

Co-chair: John Whitmer

Secretary: Maggie Beiting-Parish